Sweater: Thrifted, Skirt: Forever 21, Shirt: Custom Men’s, Earrings: Forever 21, Watch: Kessaris Quartz, Bracelet: (Necklace) Banana Republic, Big Ring: Cache, Small Ring: Gifted, Shoes: Christian Louboutin
Today I paired a pretty eggplant colored sweater with a blush skirt. I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but I often wear “custom men’s shirts” on the blog. What does that mean? Well, my boyfriend gets his shirts custom made and often stops liking them for whatever reason. I then inherit them, chop them up with a scissors, and wear them as my own. I know what you’re thinking, he’s either really small or the shirt is really big. Well, I use them for layering (as seen here, here, and here) and they’re perfect. What I love most is that they offer an over sized collar that I wouldn’t get with a shirt in my own size. Now that you know my little secret you can rescue your guy’s shirts from the goodwill pile and make them a new addition to your wardrobe!
Thanks so much for stopping by! Xo -Elizabeth |
Blush & Eggplant

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Gorge colors
I love wearing my hubby's shirts, too! But he hasn't actually given me any yet… 🙂 Lucky you!
Love the girly, trendy, chic vibe
Thanks so much, ladies! I love reading your comments! Have a great weekend.
hi dear! i just found your blog and im loving it!! great post dear! would you like to follow each other?