Coat (with faux fur collar): Forever 21, Shirt: Eileen Fisher (similar) , Pants: Twenty Tees c/o, Earrings: H&M, Sunglasses: Burberry, Rings: Forever 21 similar here and here Bag: Michael by Michael Kors via Nordstrom, Watch: Michael Kors, Shoes: Charlotte Russe c/o, Lipstick: Vincent Longo c/o
It’s finally Friday, and for today’s look I decided to keep things casual pairing a cream colored silk blouse with a pretty new coat that I picked up at Forever 21. When I spotted that this little number had leather, tweed and fur all in one, I just couldn’t resist. I decided to pair it with leather leggings and thick heeled sandals for more of an edgy look. A little out of my comfort zone, but right on-trend for fall. |
Fall Textures

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LOVE your jacket and shoes! very cool 🙂
Thank you so much, Naghmeh! I hope you have a great weekend!
Coat and shoes are just fabulous! XO
Wow, that coat is from F21? I love it..looks great!
I adore that coat – That's such a stunning piece, just love it! <3