White shirt: Custom men’s button-up, Blue shirt: Brooks Brothers, Cape Jacket: Banana Republic, Belt: Thrifted, Clutch: Vintage, Watch: Michael Kors, Bracelets: Charlotte Russe, J Crew, Forever 21, & Gifted, Wool Trousers: J Crew, Earrings: H&M, Sunnies: Chloe c/o Ditto, Shoes: Charles David
Today I went for a preppy look by pairing two shirts on top of each other. The white shirt has a really large collar since it is men’s and that is one of the reasons why I love it so much for layering. I then added bright coral trousers, brown accessories, and a few gold bangles to complete the look. I hope you have a fantastic weekend! |

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great layered look for the weekend!!! effortless looking & chic!!!
hope you're having a great weekend too!!!
xo. c & v
cake & valley
Love the look (of course)! Cute trousers and the cape jacket is so fab! Love it!
xo, Kenya
Thanks for the lovely comments, ladies! Come back soon.
Love the gingham printed shirt. It looks great with the extra layer. The coral pants are fab too.
xx, k
Love the gingham printed shirt. It looks great with the extra layer. The coral pants are fab too.
xx, k
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