Shirt: Brooks Brother’s (Boy’s), Earrings: H&M, Necklace: Fairfax Flea Market, Watch: Michael Kors, Belt: Zara, Jeans: Fidelity Denim “Girlfriend Jeans” c/o, Sunnies: Chloe via Ditto c/o, Bag: Vintage, Blazer: J Crew, Shoes: B Brian Atwood
There’s nothing like finding a great pair of boyfriend jeans in just the right wash with perfectly distressed denim. This weekend I kept it oh-so-casual in these cuties by Fidelity Denim and a classic camel blazer. I added fun fringed sandals to brighten things up a bit. Please don’t forget to stop by Wallis Fashion’s Facebook page and vote for me in the blogger Ambassador contest! You must first like their page, then it will allow you to VOTE. Be sure to accept the application that pops up at the end or it won’t count. I can’t begin to tell you how much it would mean to me! The competition will end on the 9th and your votes are so important until then! As always, thank you so much for the support! |
The Boyfriend Fit

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Having a moment of shoe envy right not. Wowzers, those are HOT!
Great outfit, I love the juxtaposition of the your distressed denim and menswear shirt contrasted with the uber girly shoe. On point.
Merch Maven
Thanks so much, lady! These shoes make me so happy! Come back soon.
you make the boyfriend jeans look so good, and that blazer is just gorgeous.
Chic on the Cheap
I just discovered your blog and I'm obsessed!! You have an incredible sense of style and I wish I could pull of boyfriend jeans like you do! I'm now following you on GFC & Bloglovin and can't wait for future posts 🙂