Faux Fur Vest: Apt. 9 (thrifted), Shirt: Baukjen c/o, Skirt: Forever 21 (old) similar here, Necklace: Mark Girl “Power of Change” Necklace c/o, Earrings: H&M, Watch: Anne Klein, Hat: Downtown Style c/o, Rings: Cache & Gifted, Shoes: Charlotte Russe (also loving this pair) c/o, Bag: Prada Photos by: Melanee Shale A few weeks ago I spent the day strolling Manhattan Beach with one of my blogger friends Melanee. We shot each others outfit pictures and somehow this one slipped through the cracks. As much as I love prints and patterns, some days call for more of a minimalistic approach. For this look, I kept things simple pairing a plain white button down shirt (that I’ve been wearing on repeat) with a faux fur vest, a leather mini, and strappy sandals. I love playing with different textures and leather and fur are definitely two of my favorites. Thanks so much for stopping by! |
Fall Minimalism

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So pulled together. I just bought a version of that hat and I love how you've styled this.
Thank you so much, Dei!
such a pretty look !
visit my blog : http://nicoraulea.blogspot.ro/
Great post, Elizabeth.
I love it how you and fashion blogger Melanee Shale take each others' photos. Have you ever thought of doing a post showing you taking photos of her – or vice versa? Might be cool.
Keep up the good work!
That's a great idea, Eric! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Love how you combined different texture and different seasons in one look, love it! XO
wow, look at those legs, a mile long
These shoes are fabulous! The entire outfit- totally glam girl!