Shirt: J Crew, Jacket: Lasta Shop c/o, Earrings: H&M, Necklace: TJ Maxx, Bracelet: Ann Taylor, Watch: Michael Kors, Ring: Cache, Bag: Dolce & Gabbana, Shoes: Luichiny Shoes c/o, Luggage: JM New York via HSN Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Just a quick post from Charlotte. Yesterday was a long day of travel but all of today’s time spent with friends and family definitely made up for it. Here is my “airport style” complete with pretty leopard luggage. I was shocked and excited at how well my handbag matched! Charlotte, North Carolina is such a beautiful place. I will be sure to post lots of pictures playing in the leaves. I hope you have a beautiful weekend with friends and family! Xo -Elizabeth |
Airport Style: Off To Charlotte

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That is one chic air port style! love the colour of your top and your luggage is so cute!
Thank you so much, Naghmeh! I love the luggage so much too! I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Such a amazing bag – i love it!
amazing outfit !
visit my blog :
Love the Jacket!! It was so nice meeting you over the holiday!
love your luggage!
kw, ladies in navy
those shoes match the luggage pretty well.
I like the necklace. This look is so elegant
Love the look! The necklace that your wearing is really an eye catcher. Keep posting more!!