Blazer: Forever 21, Shirt: J Crew, Jeans: Via Fashion of Echo, Necklace: Outrage Fashion c/o, Faux Fur Snood: ASOS, Watch: Michael Kors, Bracelets: Gifted & Charlotte Russe, Bag: CaliJoules c/o, Shoes: Christian Louboutin
Today I went for a casual chic look while trying to stay warm on a cool and extremely windy day. I wore a printed silk blouse, the perfect nude pumps, a faux fur snood, and a great crossbody bag. Crossbody bags are especially perfect for weekend strolling and running errands! Whenever I know I’ll be doing a lot of shopping I always make sure to carry one so that I can be hands free and extra productive. With that being said I’m so excited be partnering with CaliJoules for this awesome giveaway! They will be giving away TWO of their “Madeline” bags (as seen above) to A Keene Sense of Style readers! Entering is really easy! All you have to do is: 1.) Follow A Keene Sense of Style on Google Friend Connect & Twitter Thanks so much for entering, and don’t forget to check back on December 29th to see if you are the winner! |
Madeline Bag Giveaway!

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I follow you on GFC and Twitter 🙂
I follow CaliJoules on Twitter and Facebook.
I tweeted about the giveaway!!! I hope I win 🙂
With Love,
Fantastic fur!
Good luck, Lorraine! Thanks for entering!
Did all mandatory steps 🙂
Love this bag! Oh my , two bags! I have a twin. I would love to win for me and one for my twin! 😀
GFC : aree1997
Twitter : @areebasiddique
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Facebook : Areeba Siddique
I did all the steps! I hope I win!
GFC- mindy fan
FB- Mindy fann
twitter @mindy135
I follow on GFC (ne-knopka) and Twitter
I follow CaliJoules on Twitter and Facebook(annushka s.)
I tweet-
I Follow A Keene Sense of Style on Google Friend Connect & Twitter
I Follow CaliJoules on Twitter and "Liked" their Facebook page
I Tweeted about the giveaway!
Elaine Heaney
This outfit is stunning, wow! I am following your blog on GFC (Kelly Ann) and Twitter (@KellyAnnNYC) and I am following CaliJoules on Twitter and Facebook (Kelly at SparklesandShoes). Thanks so much for the great giveaway!
Sparkles and Shoes
500 Follower Kate Spade Giveaway
I follow on GFC and twitter. I tweeted! Patti LeBlanc @leblancpatti